2017年3月13日 星期一

How The Danish Girl captured the zeitgeist

  第3週  丹麥女孩

Who:Tom Hooper
When:Not given
Where:Not given
Why:Not given
How:It tells the story of the 1930s Danish artist Einar Wegener, played by Eddie Redmayne, who became one of the first people to undergo sex reassignment surgery, having decided to live life as a woman called Lili Elbe. 

Few movies capture the popular zeitgeist quite like King's Speech director Tom Hooper's The Danish Girl. It tells the story of the 1930s Danish artist Einar Wegener, played by Eddie Redmayne, who became one of the first people to undergo sex reassignment surgery, having decided to live life as a woman called Lili Elbe. The film also features Wegener's wife Gerda, played by Alicia Vikander.

The Danish Girl comes in a year that has put transgender issues firmly into the spotlight. From the transition of Bruce to Caitlyn Jenner, to the Emmy-winning success of Amazon's series Transparent, even the White House chose to screen The Danish Girl as part of a celebration of LGBT artists.

Ironic, then, that Hooper has said the script was passed around for about 12 years struggling to secure backing because of what was seen as the story's limited appeal.

"I hope it provides a message of hope," says the Oscar-winning Hooper, who has 
previously worked with Redmayne on Elizabeth I and Les Miserables.

"It's a message that transgender history matters. These were two extraordinary pioneers of the transgender movement who I think history had marginalised."



popular zeitgeist:流行的時代精神
sex reassignment surgery:變性手術

Thailand's King Bhumibol Adulyadej dies

                            泰王蒲美蓬駕崩 第2週

Who: Thailand's King Bhumibol Adulyadej
When: Thursday (Oct 13) 
Where: In Thailand
Why: Thailand's King Bhumibol Adulyadej died on Thursday (Oct 13) at the age of 88, after 70 years on the throne.
How: Not given

The world's longest-reigning monarch, Thailand's King Bhumibol Adulyadej died on Thursday (Oct 13) at the age of 88, after 70 years on the throne.

"His Majesty passed away peacefully at Siriraj Hospital," the palace said in a statement in Thai, adding that the king died at 3.52pm local time.

King Bhumibol had spent much of the past year at Siriraj Hospital, where he was treated for various ailments. The last palace statement issued prior to his death said that the king's blood pressure had dropped, his pulse had quickened, his liver was not functioning normally, and a blood test showed signs of infection.

"Even though the doctors tried their best to save His Majesty, his condition deteriorated," Thursday's statement said, in announcing his death. 

The king's body will leave Siriraj Hospital at 1pm Bangkok time on Friday. It will be taken to the Temple of the Emerald Buddha, next to the Grand Palace, in a   procession. 

Starting on Friday, flags will be flown at half mast at all government buildings and schools for 30 days, and Thai government officials will mourn the king for a year.

Thais have also been urged to refrain from festivities for the next 30 days and to wear black for a year.


Key words:

longest-reigning monarch: 在位時間最長的君主
Majesty: 最高權威
ailments: 疾病
pulse: 脈動
deteriorated: 惡化
half mast: 降半旗

2017年2月20日 星期一

France burkini: Highest court suspends ban     第1週    布基尼

Who: France's highest administrative court.
When: Not given.
Where:In a town on the Mediterranean coast.
Why:Not given.
How:France's highest administrative court has suspended a ban on full-body "burkini" swimsuits that was imposed.

France's highest administrative court has suspended a ban on full-body "burkini" swimsuits that was imposed in a town on the Mediterranean coast.

The ban in Villeneuve-Loubet "seriously and clearly illegally breached fundamental freedoms", it found.

The ruling could set a precedent for up to 30 other towns that imposed bans on their beaches, chiefly on the Riviera.

At least three mayors have already said they will keep the bans in their towns.

The court will make a final decision later on the bans' legality.

Correspondents in France say the court's decision means that all the bans on burkinis are likely now to be overturned,But town hall authorities in Nice and Frejus, as well as in the Corsican village of Sisco, have vowed to keep the bans in place.

Nice saw a devastating attack by a follower of so-called Islamic State in July while Sisco witnessed clashes this month between villagers and Muslim bathers.



highest administrative:最高行政機關
fundamental freedoms:基本自由
devastating attack:致命攻擊
Muslim bathers:穆斯林籍浴者

2017年1月8日 星期日

Muhammad Ali, 'The Greatest of All Time,' Dead at 74                    第9週  拳王阿里

Who:Muhammad Ali
When:Not given
Where:In America
Why:Not given
How:Not given 

Muhammad Ali, the silver-tongued boxer and civil rights champion who famously proclaimed himself "The Greatest" and then spent a lifetime living up to the billing, is dead.

Ali died Friday at a Phoenix-area hospital, where he had spent the past few days being treated for respiratory complications, a family spokesman confirmed to NBC News. He was 74.

"After a 32-year battle with Parkinson's disease, Muhammad Ali has passed away at the age of 74. The three-time World Heavyweight Champion boxer died this evening," Bob Gunnell, a family spokesman, told NBC News.

Ali had suffered for three decades from Parkinson's, a progressive neurological condition that slowly robbed him of both his verbal grace and his physical dexterity. A funeral service is planned in his hometown of Louisville, Kentucky.

His daughter Rasheda said early Saturday that the legend was "no longer suffering," describing him as "daddy, my best friend and hero" as well as "the greatest man that ever lived."

Even as his health declined, Ali did not shy from politics or controversy, releasing a statement in December criticizing Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's proposal to ban Muslims from entering the United States. "We as Muslims have to stand up to those who use Islam to advance their own personal agenda," he said.

The remark bookended the life of a man who burst into the national consciousness in the early 1960s, when as a young heavyweight champion he converted to Islam and refused to serve in the Vietnam War, and became an emblem of strength, eloquence, conscience and courage. Ali was an anti-establishment showman who transcended borders and barriers, race and religion. His fights against other men became spectacles, but he embodied much greater battles.


civil rights:民權
Living up to the billing:無愧於
respiratory complications:呼吸系統併發症
Parkinson's disease:帕金森氏症
progressive neurological:進行性神經疾病